Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Account wagering terms and conditions

These Terms and Conditions cover the use of the pari-mutuel wagering account established by you with us for Account Wagering and for Telephone/Internet account wagering in respect to our automated telephone account pari-mutuel wagering system and/or the Account Devices located on track and/or the use of customer owned internet connected devices on the WEG provided Wi-Fi networks and Champions Teletheatre locations (the “Account”). Such use is subject to and conditional upon compliance by you with these Terms and Conditions and the provisions of sections 76 – 84 of the Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations of the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency (“CPMA”). By completing and returning the Account application you agree to accept and be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


For purposes of this Agreement, “you” and “your” means the Account holder named in the Account application; and “we”, “us” and “our” means Woodbine Entertainment Group (“WEG”) and/or HPIbet.com.

In order to place real currency wagers using the App, you are required to have a Wagering Account. In order to qualify for a Wagering Account, you confirm that you are a person eighteen (18) years or older (nineteen (19) years or older in British Columbia) who either: (i) resides in WEG’s home market area (“Home Market Area”), as established from time to time by your applicable provincial Racing Commission, or (ii) is a resident of the Northwest Territories, Yukon or Nunavut.


In order to satisfy certain regulatory requirements to open your Wagering Account, we are required to ask for certain personal information. WEG uses an identity verification process provided by Equifax Canada Inc. (“Equifax”). This process compares the information you provide through the sign-up process to information in your credit report in order to validate your age and identity, and for no other purpose. This process will not impact your credit rating or credit file in any way. Should the information you provide not be verified, this may not be a reflection of your credit rating but may simply be due to the fact that your consumer report file is incomplete or out of date. If our identity verification process is unable to verify the personal information provided, you may be required to submit additional identification and/or documentation at WEG’s request. Eligibility for Interac Online (“IOL”) is dependent on Equifax verification. By submitting your information to us, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, available on the App, and applicable privacy legislation.